Cammini is a monographic Meridiani publication featuring walking itineraries. Its suggestions, in-depth analysis and useful info will help you fully embrace your travel experience and the places encountered along the way.

Each issue addresses walking from two reading angles and with two complementary intersecting plans: walking to a destination or objective; and walking for a reason i.e. to dream, wonder or reflect.

It comes with a brand-new map containing plenty of useful info on the route.

Meridiani Montagne - RIfugi
E|D EditorialeDomus

ex Modello D.Lgs. 231/2001 | Codice Etico | Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved |

Editoriale Domus S.p.A. - Via Gianni Mazzocchi, 1/3 20089 Rozzano (Mi) - Codice fiscale, partita IVA e iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano n. 07835550158
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