05 February 2020

Premio Gianni Mazzocchi 2020

Now in its tenth year, this prize is awarded by Quattroruote each year to a personality who, through his or her commitment, has contributed significant innovations to the automotive sector,

The Premio Gianni Mazzocchi 2020 was awarded to Alberto Bombassei in recognition of “his industrial genius, his insatiable passion and his innovative leadership in the advancement of cars and motor sport”.

The prize, designed for the occasion by British architect David Chipperfield, guest editor of Domus 2020, was handed over by Maria Giovanna Mazzocchi, President of Editoriale Domus.

Founder and president of Brembo SpA, market leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance braking systems for cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, motor sports and the spare parts market, Bombassei is also the founder and president of Kilometro Rosso, one of the main European innovation districts, president of Fondazione Italia Cina and a member of the Automotive Hall of Fame, the highest honour in the worldwide automotive industry. 


Editoriale Domus
Via Gianni Mazzocchi 1/3, 20089 Rozzano (MI), Italia
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